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Saturday, March 26, 2016

How to Connect My Laptop to My TV

Level of difficulty: Intermediate The transition of media from television to computer is happening at a fast rate because of the rapid progress of information technology. There are several Internet websites with movies and television shows that could be downloaded into computers. Frequently, television shows are made available by networks online once the show has finished airing. Connecting the laptop to the TV enables users to watch shows...

Monday, March 21, 2016

Top 10 Things Your Smartphone Sucks At (and How to Fix Them)

Sometimes, smartphones can be a boon for your personal productivity, but other times it's amazing how much trouble they have performing simple tasks. Here are ten things your phone probably sucks at, and how to make it work better. 10. Lasting Until the Next Charge When you have something that runs on batteries, it's inevitable that it'll run out of juice. That's just the nature of the beast. But oftentimes, your battery dies...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Check your Smartphone's Originality

Its not easy for one to caught whether a phone he/she buying is original or not. May be its stolen if you're buying a second hand phone or may be its Korean. Many of my friends ask me about this and i used to help them. So in this article i want to help my blog readers so that they see no difficulty in buying any phone whether new or second hand. I will try to cover all of the brand phones. Do read this and spread this awareness. As you know,...

Friday, March 4, 2016

How to get FREE HDTV (and all your DTV questions answered)

How you can get free HDTV with higher quality than available on your cable or satellite provider. (Free after initial start-up costs, if you do not have an antenna already - generally, a complete setup can pay for itself in the cost of 2 months of cable or satellite) First, I will dispell a few myths about digital TV, and then I will give you the basics on how to get things running. First: I hear you need a whole new antenna set up to view...